How it works

Companies around the world pay millions of dollars for opinions on health, movies, and other products and services from people like you.

We collect basic demographic information, along with details related to your lifestyle and activities.

When a survey matches your interests, we alert you via email and post the survey to your OnlyCashSurveys dashboard.

A cash reward will be placed in your OnlyCashSurveys account for each survey you complete. When you earn $50 dollars you can redeem it for cash.

Register Now

To get started, please answer a few questions so that we can get to know you better! You will get $5.00 CASH in your OnlyCashSurveys account just for signing up. Taking surveys online is a fast, fun and easy way to make extra money.

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You are also pre-qualified for the following survey sites. Select each one for more information.